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specializing in claims management

services for entities in the business

of underwriting risk

serving the global insurance market

About TCM
L London Building


TransEleven Claims Managers (TCM) is a third-party administrator (TPA) that provides comprehensive claims administration, litigation management and program development services to foreign and domestic insurers, risk retention groups, captive insurers, self-insureds and other entities in the business of managing risk.  TCM provides claims solutions by taking into consideration the specialized needs of each client and the respective markets in which the client underwrites.

We provide our claims
services in a variety of practice areas, with an emphasis in the niche area of Professional and General Liability risk exposures.  TransEleven is led by a team of executives with 60+ years of experience providing claims management services to the professional liability and the excess and surplus arena, with a focus on specialty PL/GL program services and open market contracts in the London marketplace.

Why Choose TransEleven?      |      TransEleven is Claims Administration, Elevated.

At TCM, claims are managed by Claims Counsel, all of whom are experienced attorneys with insurance coverage and insurance defense litigation backgrounds in the practice areas we support.  Our process is built on claims analysis, providing timely reserve recommendations and prompt client communications.  Through clear and concise reporting, we provide clients with solid case management strategies.


TransEleven is also committed to technology.  By utilizing premier claims management and reporting software, we can meet the needs of complex specialty PL/GL programs.  This includes regulatory reporting such as MMSEA and monthly bordereau reporting. Clients have real time, web-based access to all claim information and file documents.  This unparalleled industry experience sets us apart from other claims management service providers.

Results?  We leverage our expertise to help clients obtain the most cost-effective, equitable claims resolutions possible, executed with exceptional quality and the highest level of service.

We specialize in providing claims administration services for programs placed by coverholders authorized to utilize the London marketplace. Learn more about our reputation including our registration in the London Market Experts TPA Database.



TCM offers a comprehensive portfolio of claims administration, litigation management and program development services, all tailored to meet the needs of each client. Our services include:


•  Claims Evaluation and Resolution Strategy


•  Coverage Analysis and Determinations

Communication of Material Facts and Legal Assessment

•  Litigation Management
(retaining/monitoring defense counsel,

    mediations, negotiating claim settlements, monitoring trials, etc.)

•  Client Reporting (Standard, Ad Hoc, Bordereau, etc.)

•  Reserve Analysis for Loss and Expense
•  Recommendation on Future Handling and Strategy


•  Regulatory Reporting (State, Federal, MMSEA, etc.)

•  Web Based Technology (Claims Management Software)


•  Policy and Endorsement Drafting

•  Risk Assessment and Evaluation

We offer our claims services in many different practice areas. Some of our specialty areas include Miscellaneous Professional Liability, Healthcare Liability, Lawyers E&O, Architects and Engineers, Real Estate Agent E&O and Cyber + Tech Liability.

TCM, Trans11 Claims DFW and London

Corporate Office:  700 Central Expressway South |  Suite 200  |  Allen, Texas  75013  |  844.281.2811  TEL   |  844.281.2811  FAX 

 email:   |   careers:   |   © 2025   TransEleven Claims Managers   |   All Rights Reserved

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